The Overclocker Issue 28 is out ! In this issue (our first of 2014), we head back to Brazil for an interview with the number one overclocker in the Extreme Overclocker’s League. We take…

The Overclocker Issue 28 is out ! In this issue (our first of 2014), we head back to Brazil for an interview with the number one overclocker in the Extreme Overclocker’s League. We take…
The overclocker is what probably we could call the worlds best paper style online magazine about extreme computing and ethusiat computer hardware use. Today the 2oth number is out covering especially the Computex 2012 in Taipei among other things.
Our friends of AtomicMPC had a special ln2 photo-shoot yesterday in australia with Dino, check out their pics!
The new edition of The Overclocker is ready, check it out below with a ton of interesting topic, interviews and reviews.
Après une longue période passée sans édition d’un nouveau numéro, le magazine The Overclocker est de retour avec une nouvelle version dont le Rédacteur en Chef est Neo. Dans ce nouveau numéro, vous trouverez des…
After a long time without any new issue The Overclocker is back in it’s new revision, time to welcome our friend Neo as Editor of this magazine. In this Edition you’ll have news about the…