We are now at the Corsair booth at Cebit 2010. Along with us we have Alex Rüdinger (alias Bluebeard), Corsair marketing & Monstru from Lab501. For the interview we have decided to focus on Dominator…
Tagged By dominator
New memory WR with Corsair GTX2
Our danish M.Beier just broke a new memory World record with the latest stunning Corsair memory serie. Corsaire released the Dominator GTX2 jste few days ago and new World record are being smashed… With no…
Kit tri-channel Corsair Dominator PC16000 Cas8 dans nos labos
C’est par une matinée Montpelliéraine ensoleillée que UPS m’a rapporté un colis provenant des locaux Corsair et contenant la crème de la mémoire ram : la fameuse Corsair Dominator GT ! Bien que CORSAIR ait…