SF3D vs ME4ME Round 1: SF3D: P28109 ME4ME: P25081 Round 2: SF3D: P27943 ME4ME: P28238 SF3D won the second bracket, with the best total score.

SF3D vs ME4ME Round 1: SF3D: P28109 ME4ME: P25081 Round 2: SF3D: P27943 ME4ME: P28238 SF3D won the second bracket, with the best total score.
Elmor vs MeanMachine Round 1: Elmor: P27189 MeanMachine: P27720 Round 2: Elmor: P28544 MeanMachine: no new submition Elmor won the first bracket, with the submitted score P28544.
Hello world, We arrived well in Jönköping, Sweden for the Asus OC Showdown event on the Dreamhack. Everyone ? no, Hipro5 is missing, and will be replaced by MeanMachine who is Swedish and could replace…
In October Gigabyte held the TweaKing Fest in Paris. This was an air cooling only event that was to show more of the tweaking side of overclocking instead of just pure clock speeds. We got…
At Azerty Party 12 in France there was a lot of fun. We played a word association game with a bunch of the people attending then held our own live talk show. Tons of entertainment…
The Gigabyte TweaKING Fest 2009 is now finished and it’s time for us to give you the final results of this contest: SuperPi 32M 1 – Team Czech Republic: Obr and Vlk – 9,03.469 minutes.…
The 3D Mark 2001 has just finsished, here is the top 3 ranking: 1 – Team Turkey: – 81590 pts. 2 – Team Belgium: – 80906 pts. 3 – Team Norway: – 80791 pts. You…
Overclocking-TV is actually at the GIGABYTE TweaKING Fest 2009 in Paris. The hardware configuration for this event is based on an Intel Core i5 750 CPU and a GA-P55-UD6 for the motherboard. The SuperPi 32M…
Dear overclockers and readers, it’s with great pleasure, and after the three days of benching at the AzertyParty 12, that we will be in Paris, France on tuesday, october 27th for the TweaKING contest organized…
The AzertyParty 12 is now over. The Overclocking-TV team which has animated the booth during the whole weekend is now back home for a good and peaceful night of sleep. We thank you for watching…