Gigabyte TweaKING Fest: And the winner is…

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The Gigabyte TweaKING Fest 2009 is now finished and it’s time for us to give you the final results of this contest:

SuperPi 32M

  • 1 – Team Czech Republic: Obr and Vlk – 9,03.469 minutes.
  • 2 – Team Belgium: Leeghoofd and Massman – 9,06.047 minutes.
  • 3 – Team Latvia/Estonia: Jaan and Sam – 9,06.907 minutes.

3D Mark 2001

  • 1 – Team Turkey: – 81590 pts.
  • 2 – Team Belgium: – 80906 pts.
  • 3 – Team Norway: – 80791 pts.

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We are thanking you for watching this event all along this event and having shared with the other spectators on the chat. In a few days, you will be able to find here all the pictures of the event and some complementary informations!

Event coverage by: Paul Dozancuk, Isaïe Simonnet & Victorin Monnot


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