The famous American owner of XtremeSystem Fugger answered our question during the GO0C 2010 North America finals. Check the GOOC 2010 video on our dedicated page.

The famous American owner of XtremeSystem Fugger answered our question during the GO0C 2010 North America finals. Check the GOOC 2010 video on our dedicated page.
Nous sommes déjà certain que vous allez aimer cette interview! Non pas seulement parce qu’elle est sur la plus connue des compétitions d’overclocking, mais parce que cette interview est menée par la jolie Grace K.…
The famous Canadian overclocker 3oh6 answered our question during the GoOC 2010 North America final in Los Angeles. Before the competition he seems to be pretty confident, explaining you his favorite benchmarks and how he…
We are already sure that you’ll love this interview, not only because it’s about one of the most exiting competition this year but because it’s the cute Grace K. that is conducting the Interview !…
Every year after the computex time you usually see a lot of content and sometimes factory tour, most of the time only pictures, and sometimes video… This year OverClocking-TV visited the GIGABYTE Factory in Nan-Ping…
Last week took place the european finals of Gigabyte’s annual overclocking contest the GOOC 2010 EU FInals. Those finals where the occasion for EU overclockers to get hand on the 5 places to the worldwide…
Il est maintenant temps de vous faire parvenir les interviews qui ont été enregistrées ce vendredi lors de la finale européenne du GOOC 2010 à Palma de Mallorca. La première est une interview de Massman,…
It’s already time for some interviews recorded during the GOOC EU Finals in Mallorca last Friday. Today we have Massman representing Belgium sharing with us an inside view on the GOOC EU Finals competition. Massman…
Après la finale asiatique qui s’est tenue le 19 juin dernier à Jakarta, la finale Sud-américaine et les autres finales locales du GOOC 2010 qui ont eu lieu ces derniers mois, il est temps de…
Hi guys, After the multiple local finals, the Pan-Asia finals and finally the South-American finals of the GOOC 2010, we though that it was the good time to calm down and take some time to…