We finally happily arrived in Munich after an eventful trip. We’ll provide you with a day-by-day report of the competition from an inside view.

Here is a digest of yesterday’s events and of the overture ceremony, which ended just before noon.
The day begun in quite a hurry, because we missed the train to the airport twice, so we were quite under pressure and might even have had to go a bit beyond the speed limits to be able to finally meet Alexis (from MSI france), Brice and Benji at the airport before boarding the aircraft.
Once we had arrived in Munich, we were welcomed by two MSI hostesses, and learnt that the Turks got lost on their way, plus that we would wait for some other people before heading for the hotel.
We then met Vika (MSI Taiwan / Russia) who recognized us immediately, which naturally led to some talking.
We also met Danish and Italian (Media) colleagues of ours.
The trip to the hotel was pretty fun, because the driver told us some stories with a very special sense of humor.
We then felt some emotions when we arrived at the hotel, since we were meeting many overclockers we seldom see, and there was a lot of happy people, which naturally led to big hugs (okay this might look a bit epic but we had to show the notion of community and reunion).
We then spent the rest of the evening talking, asking everyone how he was, with, as usual, plenty of beer !
The evening ended around a table, with two of our greek friends, with whom we talked about some events in the world and our respective points of view about them.
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