Since now two days, we can see to appear over the social networks messages and links redirecting to the MOA 2012 official website. Let’s have a look…

Since now two days, we can see to appear over the social networks messages and links redirecting to the MOA 2012 official website. Let’s have a look…
This is an interesting but controversed way to advertise to the Overclockers… As they are mainly guys, taking a girl to the overclocking world could make some damage… This is purely marketing but at least…
Nous sommes déjà certain que vous allez aimer cette interview! Non pas seulement parce qu’elle est sur la plus connue des compétitions d’overclocking, mais parce que cette interview est menée par la jolie Grace K.…
We are already sure that you’ll love this interview, not only because it’s about one of the most exiting competition this year but because it’s the cute Grace K. that is conducting the Interview !…