eported on the overclock.net forums, we heard over twitter ( @el_gappo ) that our buddies from UK will be holding some very interesting benching event next weekend. The event will be hold in the city of Cambridge over next weekend….

eported on the overclock.net forums, we heard over twitter ( @el_gappo ) that our buddies from UK will be holding some very interesting benching event next weekend. The event will be hold in the city of Cambridge over next weekend….
Chaque année depuis maintenant 10 ans a lieu vers le 20 novembre le Dreamhack à Jönköping en Suède. Il s’agit d’une des plus grande Lan Party dans le monde. L’année dernière sur ce festival avait…
Around the 20th of November every year since 10 years now, the Dreamhack, world’s largest computer festival in the world, is taking place in my (Xyala) great city in the middle of Sweden called Jönköping.…