Around the 20th of November every year since 10 years now, the Dreamhack, world’s largest computer festival in the world, is taking place in my (Xyala) great city in the middle of Sweden called Jönköping.…

Around the 20th of November every year since 10 years now, the Dreamhack, world’s largest computer festival in the world, is taking place in my (Xyala) great city in the middle of Sweden called Jönköping.…
A OverClocking-TV, il y a 2 choses que l’on fait très bien… hum, non: Trois! Overclocking, TV et boire de la bière. Le GOOC 2010 coverage étant désormais terminé, il est temps de vous offrir…
At Overclocking-TV, there is two things that we do best … well, no : three. Overclocking, TV, and drinking Beer ! Now that the GOOC 2010 coverage is over, it’s time to offer you some…
L’équipe d’OverClocking-TV, à savoir Trouffman et Xyala, est actuellement à Taipei pour couvrir le second évènement important du mois de septembre, le Gigabyte Open Overclocking Championship (GOOC) 2010. La compétition débute aujourd’hui (Samedi) et nous…
OverClocking-TV a été notifié qu’AMD, à l’occasion du Computex 2010 à Taipei, tiendrait un webcast à partir du 2 juin 10h00. Si vous habitez en France, il sera le 1er juin 16h00 CET (GMT +1).…
OverClocking-TV has been notified that AMD is opening Computex 2010 with a webcast, on 1st June 4PM CET (Central European Time, GMT+1). This will be on June 1st at 10:00 p.m. ET (Eastern Time) If…
amdHey guys, We were joining 7 other team around the world for a live event around the world organised by AMD to promote their brand new Phenom II X6 and Leo Platform. As a part…
Here is a big news, AMD will held on April 30th, Friday. Starting at Noon (Central Time ) on and OverClocking-TV will be a part of this event ! The AMD Phenom II X6…
Le 12 et 13 se déroule l’INTEL P55 Overclocking Challenge by GIGABYTE, assistez en live, depuis chez vous, à la première étape de Qualification Française pour le GOOC2010 ! GIGABYTE relance la compétition dans le…
Hej gutter! OverClocking-TV er ankommet ved Cebit 2010, og er klar til holde dig opdateret! Vi er ved MSI standen, én stand som ikke var os svær at finde, da MSI i år har valgt…