Since February, you may have noticed that some things are going on in Asia and more precisely Indonesia. Indeed, ASUS has been busy over the last two months with intens overclocking activities in preparation of the major OC competition in Asia of Q1 2012.
February is ASUS month in Indonesia
The news has been mainly spread through their ASUS Indonesia page on Facebook and also on Indonesian websites as Jagat Review.
The ASUS OC Tour: Next Gen Overclocker

Over the past month, ASUS has been pushing Overclocking to a level that we definitely would like to see it over here in our western countries. Overclocking contest here and there (for proOverclockers in qualification for the Finals) and non-proOvercockers, overclocking safety seminars and initiation sessions to overclocking good practices (staged mainly on University Campuses all around the country). These events makes ASUS’s move even more exceptional as they are having events almost every week since the beginning of February!
During these events, overclockers and overclocking fans have been introduced by famous peers as LuckyN00b to the best practices and safety rules of overclocking. How to insulate properly the boards, how to use the equipment properly and practice OC with water-cooling step by step. To find more informations about these local events, visit the following Link.
The ASUS OC Tour: OC Competition
Along these seminars, OC competitons have been held. In each, 3 overclockers have benn invited after online local selections. So for each OC Tour location (in 6x regions Bali, Central Java, Yogyakarta, West Java, East Java, and Jakarta), a contest has been held online and the top 3 from that contest have battled live in each location.
The selection of these overclockers follows these two main rules:
- Limited for enthusiast non-pro contestant ( never win 1st prize of any national OC event, never been as an overclocker in any overclocker world event abroad
- Limited using only air cooling based solution)
This had the advantage to have live battles of non-ProOverclockers and a good way to see new heads emerge :)
The winner of each Local OC competition event won a prize of 6 million IDR (510EUR / 670USD). The five first local events are already over, the last one will be held in Jakarta on the 21st of February.
Online Qualifications:
- Jakarta: sampai dengan 19 Februari 2012
- Jawa Barat: sampai dengan 11 Februari 2012
- Jawa Timur: sampai dengan 14 Februari 2012
- Jawa Tengah: sampai dengan 23 Januari 2012
- Yogyakarta: TBC
- Bali: sampai dengan 9 Januari 2012
Final offline per regional
- Jakarta: 21 Februari 2012, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Kampus Anggrek, Jl. KH Syahdan No.9, Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat
- Jawa Barat: 14 Februari 2012, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Jl. Suria Sumantri 65, Bandung – 40164
- Jawa Timur: 17 Februari 2012, Universitas Kristen Petra, Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya 60236
- Jawa Tengah: 26 Januari 2012, Universitas Stikubank, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Ruang Seminar Lt.9, Jl. Tri Lomba Juang No.1
- Yogyakarta: TBC Jan/Feb 2012, UKDW Yogyakarta, Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husoda No. 5-25
- Bali: 12 Januari 2012, STMIK STIKOM BALI, Jl. Raya Puputan Renon No.86 Denpasar
The ASUS Extreme OC Competition Final!
Now lets talk about the hot topic! I prefer to call it the AEOCC :p
This event will be held on Wednesday 29th in Jakarta’s LeGrandeur Hotel (same Hotel as the MSI MOA APAC Final)
For this event, five overclockers will participate. These overclockers have been selected through online qualifiers and are only professional overclockers (maining: those people use ln2 every week). So lets have a closer look:
AEOCC Final – The Overclockers
- Bina Nusantara University Team: Hendra Wijaya (Coldest) – Hendra Masli (IRIS)
- Trubus: Ceplek (bg_89) – Hazan
- Hutri Samani (sandlewoood) – Doni (nut311)
- BNCC – Imbalatos: Jesse (bboyjezz) – Dendy Putra (R0yal_Flush)
- Nubitol++: abeh – reza (pette)
AEOCC Final – The Gear
For these competition, only the screen, keyboard, mouse, PSU are provided by ASUS. CPU, graphic card, memories, motherboard have to be brought by the clockers.
AEOCC Final – Benchmarks
Four benchmark results will be required from the overclockers in 4 hours of compétition.
- Bench1:Super PI 32 M
- Bench2: W Prime
- Bench3: CPU clock
- Bench4: Memory clock
We will see if that many benches has an influence on the scores but also the contestants stress during the competition.
AEOCC Final – Reward
For the final, ASUS is giving out an insanely high price, valued at 30 million IDR or 3337USD / 2540EUR in total.
AEOCC Final – Competition Day Schedule
The compétition Will start at 2:30pm to finish at 6:30pm.
Overclockers have to make 4 benches during this 4 hours (doesn’t matter the time for every bench).
AEOCC Final Coverage
Since I’m living now in Asia (Taipei) for my studies and since I will be on vacation in Malaysia at that time, I decided to make a quick jump from KualaLumpur to Jakarta with my teammate Akane to cover the finals. :) So we will be newsing and live tweeting pics and infos on the competition. We can’t guarantee any streams, but make sure to check in to follow live the latest competitions results!
I’m now out of office, snorkling somewhere on a beach, see you on the 29th in Jakarta!

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