For two weeks, we’ve hosted on the occasion of the HWBOT World Tour 2015 a Massive Giveaway on our OCTV Facebook fan page. To celebrate the largest and final stop of the HWBOT World Tour 2015, we’ve…

For two weeks, we’ve hosted on the occasion of the HWBOT World Tour 2015 a Massive Giveaway on our OCTV Facebook fan page. To celebrate the largest and final stop of the HWBOT World Tour 2015, we’ve…
The HWBOT World Tour was definitely the highlight of this Computex 2015 week. There was some OC on computex (as usual) but less than in the previous years (no MSI booth, no Zotac booth etc.).…
The HWBOT World Tour 2015 ASIA – ROG OC Showdown is taking place next week after an intense week of computex. We’ve been busy over the previous week at preparing the plan for our stream…
We mentionned this already on social media earlier this week but the time has come now to make the official announcement! Next week will be an exiting one for us. It is not only because…
Finally Tim found a few hours of spare time to edit the aftermovie of the UK event we attended a few weeks ago: the MSI OC Academy UK. Organized by TeamGB, this event was a…
We’ve mentioned this event already several times during the OC Show, but the ASUS ROG Camp is now finally here! Well here … next weekend, so close enough. Close enough to just let you book…
The World Tour 2015 by HWBOT kicked-of last weekend in Montreal, Canada with a first stop at the LanETS. Here is the Aftermovie video.
Planning to join the HWBOT World Tour but don’t have LN2 pots? We’ve got some! Just ask and we can lend you some for the weekend :)
Today it is now fully official, the HWBOT World Tour 2015 is stopping in Europe at France’s largest Lan Party. Read all the details!
A few months ago, a devastating news hit the community as one of our most valued member passed away…