Tagged By hwbot

MOA 2012 – Competition starts soon!


Massman from HWBOT got hold on the official to be published for the end of this week and already leaked the info on the BOT. So there is no longer need to hold the news to reach the world of overlockers anymore. About a months ago, we were informing you about a Slogan competition ….

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Leyenda MSI de la serie R7000

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Los saludamos de nuevo queridos lectores del mundo del overclocking y las actividades relacionadas con este. Con la nueva serie de AMD/ATI en el mercado, era de esperarse que comenzaran a salir los concursos con…

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Vous avez dit Hwbot?

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HWBot? Qu’est ce c’est? Qui s’occupe de ce projet? Quelle est leur mission? Pour répondre à toutes ces questions qui vous tourmentent l’esprit, nous allons rentrer dans la matrice de l’overclocking au niveau international. Pour…

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