Intel is facing no competition in the market for desktop and workstation processors and if many could see there an opportunity to relax and slow down, the intel machine continues to march on….

Intel is facing no competition in the market for desktop and workstation processors and if many could see there an opportunity to relax and slow down, the intel machine continues to march on….
Master Cookie continues his EU office tour to have some more fun with local overclockers on IvyBridge platform…
Pour le lancement de ses cartes Ivybridge, Gigabyte organise en l’occasion un petit évènement en Allemagne.
Gigabyte is continuing it’s launch operations for their IvyBridge boards and for this weekend they chose to hold an overclocking competition in Germany for a few of the “top” german overclocking teams.
As announced earlier last week, MSI has kicked-off their annual OC competition. The first up in this years edition are as usual our fellow overclockers from the America’s continent (North and South). They will be…
Comme annoncé plus tôt dans la semaine, MSi a décidé cette année de faire les qualifications en ligne. Les premiers à pouvoir se qualifier pour le MOA sont les overclockers du continent Américain (Nord et Sud). Les prochains sur la liste seront les européens (EMEA) suivi des asiatiques (APAC) prévu après le Computex.