Every year now, G.SKILL is hosting the largest OC stage on Computex. Every year more and more overclockers are invited to join the event and we have to admit that soon enough, the memory company might…

Every year now, G.SKILL is hosting the largest OC stage on Computex. Every year more and more overclockers are invited to join the event and we have to admit that soon enough, the memory company might…
A look ahead at Computex 2014 This year Dennis is looking forward to the GSKill OC World Cup which will likely replace the normal overclocking demonstrations at the GSKill booth. During the week there will…
Gskill is having an overclocking show during Computex featuring Hiwa, Youngpro, Christian Ney, Elmor, Fredyama, Shamino, Kingpin, Dinos22, HiCookie. There is a live broadcast running for the week here : [nggallery id=332]
Last week, or the past few weeks to be exact, there was a lot of news going on around the ln2 containers, we are summing all that for you guys to not miss drop… of…
The overclocker is what probably we could call the worlds best paper style online magazine about extreme computing and ethusiat computer hardware use. Today the 2oth number is out covering especially the Computex 2012 in Taipei among other things.
This is a video from our friend BenchZowner: Vince ( K|ngp|n ) recently started broadcasting live some of his extreme overclocking sessions on LiveStream. A few days ago ( 01/19/2010 ) he decided to give…
It’s been a while that OverClocking-TV is doing live broadcast and promote this kind of communication. Starting few days ago, the team PURE started to broadcast some of their benchmarking sessions, it’s now time to…