Last week, the HWBOT OC Gathering concluded the Overclocking activities that took place at Computex. This 2014 edition offered an impressive line up of events and for the occasion many/most of the world top overclockers…

Last week, the HWBOT OC Gathering concluded the Overclocking activities that took place at Computex. This 2014 edition offered an impressive line up of events and for the occasion many/most of the world top overclockers…
And a new weekend, we have another Overclocker from! Christian Ney, Hwbot Staff , Overclocker.
For this week, we have prepared another interview with one of a country top overclocker. After last weekend’s Amin Naderi, today it is the turn of Mr. Mad Tse form Hong Kong.
We decided to start a new kind of post at OCTV. Every week, we would like to introduce you a new overclocker …
Today in the motherboard industry, most of the vendors have understood the advantage to have an in-house overclocker to join their R&D and performance teams in order to boost the overclockability of their products.
Après une longue période passée sans édition d’un nouveau numéro, le magazine The Overclocker est de retour avec une nouvelle version dont le Rédacteur en Chef est Neo. Dans ce nouveau numéro, vous trouverez des…
After a long time without any new issue The Overclocker is back in it’s new revision, time to welcome our friend Neo as Editor of this magazine. In this Edition you’ll have news about the…