We love to have weekend’s overclocking between friends. Have some fun around good hardware, share tricks and beers but most importantly have fun. And this is all what it is about. Our mates from Brazil are very active these days to push the overclocking community in their country and they are having a gathering this weekend.
Overclocking event this Saturday in Brazil
The I2I3 Overclocking Team will be rocking this Saturday at the OC temple in São Paulo – Brazil, AKA RBUASS’ place. The feast will start at 2:00pm (GMT+3) and has absolutely no time to end! Overclocking all night ? :)

How and Who can join?
“The meeting is open to anyone who loves overclocking, and since there’s no sponsors we’ll just share the costs between the participants” says Iuri Alves Andrade Balzana Santos. Being open is a great chance for everyone to join, this is how sharing a passion is made!
Hardware benched
The question of hardware in benching parties can sometimes be a tricky questions depending of who is joining. Here the concept is simple. Bring your own stuff and let’s bench it!
Everybody can bring his own hardware to the party, so we can expect to see some Ivy bridges, AMDs, SBs-E and as usual there’ll be some lightnings ready to strike.

This is the spirit
Lots of fun, ln2 and pizza awaits the Brazilian OCers this weekend and we love it. Like be talked about with our Indonesian mates two months ago in Jakarta, the BBQ spirit is what makes overclockers what hey are and the overclocking community what it became.
More infos in Portuguese at the official thread here.
We wish them to have a lot of fun all afternoon and beyond.

(pics and news by: Iuri Alves Andrade Balzana Santos)
April 27, 2012 1:28 pm
Good fun …. waiting for the next one ;-D