We’ve been writing lots of news over the past weeks and even months about the MOA. Today, we have never been so close to the actual date of the finals which are scheduled for next week . For the occasion, MSI decided to leak to us something quite cool: the floor map of the venue.
Master Overclocking Arena 2012 Floor map

(Click to enlarge image)
At a first look, we have to admit that this floor map as definitely a very “detailed” map – probably almost final! As the map comes with a legend in Chinese, it is difficult to tell you for sure what us what, but with some simple deduction and with our knowledge from the previous seasons at the NTU Sportcenter we can identify the following areas (see red legend on map).

(Click to enlarge image)
What changed with the past years edition is the disposition of the battle ground that took a quick rotation. The Hall corners are reduced by artificial walls to give to it a more squarish effect and the stage seems to be a little bit smaller than in the past years.
MOA 2012 in a week
Nevertheless, this leaks joins the picture posted by massman on HWBOT’s facebook page a few hours ago previewing the outside of the venue right before entering in the competition hall. Those that joined MOA in the past years will remember the corridor to enter the sport’s hall.

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