Explaining to a non-overclocking friend what are doing at overclocking competitions such as the moa is never easy… This should help you to know how ….

Explaining to a non-overclocking friend what are doing at overclocking competitions such as the moa is never easy… This should help you to know how ….
The master overclocking arena is for us the occasion to meet top overclockers from all over the world in one place but also to admire their skills and talent and bring all of these exiting competition instants to you!
We are now live streaming in HD form the MSI MOA 2012 here in Taipei, Taiwan. To tune in, simply join our Live page here : http://www.overclocking-tv.com Enjoy!
After months of preparation, several benching sessions and regional qualifiers, overclockers from every corners of the world arrived today in what is still today known as the most vibrant tech engineering city in the world: Taipei.
MSI decided to leak to us something quite cool: the floor map of the venue. Check it out!
Here is our first “on show” coverage part with the MOA Trailer. Meeting is now set: September 28th 2012, be on time!
it is now time for MSI to confirm the location in which the guest overclockers will be spending their almost three days in the Taiwanese capital …
Today we have received from our source at MSI, Leona, the detailed competition schedule….
Since now two days, we can see to appear over the social networks messages and links redirecting to the MOA 2012 official website. Let’s have a look…
So far the we reported on the two first phases of the MSI MOA 2012 which are the Americas qualifiers and the EMEA ones that ended a few weeks ago. Both of these two first…