Breaking the 8Ghz Barrier once again – Live

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After the successful event from last week end at the LAN ETS we have some spare ln2 (50L) and a bunch of gears that can still be abused. Major plus, we will have the hardware dedicated for the live broadcast with us… Not just a webcam, check it out in few hours you will see :)

Seems that last week’s 8027Mhz wasn’t maxxed out on the AMD FX-8350 CPU as we were _only_ using 1.93V on the Asus CROSSHAIR V Formula-Z running on the CORSAIR AX850i PSU.



We also have an AMD FX-8150 CPU that is theorically able to reach over 8Ghz too, so let’s meet this baby and some ln2.


We will be using the following hardware over the two days :

  • CORSAIR AX850i
  • CORSAIR Vengeance 32GB
  • CORSAIR Dominator GTX 3 (2000Mhz)
  • CORSAIR Voyager GT USB3.0 – To gather the scores.
  • AMD FX-8350
  • AMD FX-8150
  • Some other weird stuff, a bunch of 1090T to be ready to kill… and a load of fun.

Thanks to CORSAIR for the main support, Asus for the mainboard, CIPC for the live broadcast enhenced experience.

This will also be the opportunity for us to bring you a complet live broadcast with on screen captures, and cameras.

Find below the time slots for the Live :

Saturday, March 9th : 1pm to 8pm – Montreal Time (GMT -5)

Sunday, March 10th : 1pm to 8pm – Montreal time (GMT -5)

The pictures



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