On september first, HWBOT kicked-off the teasing campaign for the website’s upcoming sixth revision (see #revision6). Only a few had so far a glimpse at the future but for most in the community the mystery remains complete. Complete … at least for what things are going to look-like and what the changes will practically bring to our competitive overclocking community.
What do we know about the HWBOT revision 6?
Revision 6 is nothing new. It’s been discussed, announced, debated, revised, delayed and more since quite a long time now. Actually, revision 6 is standing as the accomplishments of years of debate and discussion by the community on how to make competitive overclocking even better. In the revision 6 work documents published on the HWBOT forums, we read the following about the founding principles of this revision:
- Principle 1: “The global overclocking hobby should be as accessible as possible, the financial aspect of competing should be as less present as possible.”
- Principle 2: “The HWBoint Leagues should be representing skill over any other factor (money, luck, etc.)”
- Principle 3: “Where possible, the algorithms should be kept as simple and transparent as possible”
Quite a program – challenging – and ambitious. The kind of attitude we love at OverClocking-TV. So let’s see how that is translating in terms of features.
The main features to be introduced by revision 6
Among the planned features of revision 6, we have the followings:
– Seasons, Competition Series, Rounds: The described system looks a lot like what we already see with the ProOC league. A layout that brings an additional layer of structure and hopefully encourage competition organizers to see things on the “long run” instead of product cycle based one time events as we see today.
We don’t know yet how this is going to be working out exactly, but ultimately this should give more “highlights” to annual series (such as the MSI MOA 2014 for example) and white not define a new standard of championships for us to compete in.
– New Division system: Each division having their own rankings, benchmark, season and rounds with specific hardware selected -> ultimately to avoid having the i3 guys battling against the i7 guys.
This is also called the “Challenger series” in the work documents, the Challenger series being the intermediate step between the classic HWBOT model and the Pro Series. Described in the work documents as the “OC Career Path” we can understand that from this vision, the way things work in revision 6 are: Starting small, moving up to the challenger series, then up through the Division and ultimately land in a Pro Team with the sponsorships and all it implies.
If you are curious to read more about each of these, check out the Revision 6 subforum on HWBOT. Also, in the sub-forum, there is this “private” not so private video of massman from HWBOT that explains how the Divisions will work with revision6.
When will revision 6 launch?
So far, no launch date of revision 6 has been made public by the HWBOT staff. Actually we know very little yet on how things are going to be rolled out. But the sooner the better.
We can with certainty say that since the teasing campaign started the coding phase must be touching to its end. And who knows, maybe like fore revision 4 – a “test” site will be soon made available for us to have a hands-on before launch!
Spotted the leak?
Nevertheless, as for every significantly ambitious and awaited product / project leaks are never fat. The more people you show it, the higher the leak potential rises. It is Tim Handley from Corsair that started the first leak on his Facebook wall.

On this picture we can clearly see a page from the new revision 6 site. The site seems to be called HWBOT exports, and the opened page is the called “Road to Pro”. This road to pro, might very well be what was referred as the OC career path int he work documents. Other than that, we notice a tab called scheduled which presumably will to what it’s called out for.
And we also see an “ranking” tab, a “series” tab and a “news” tab. That’s it for now.
Update Sept. 6th : Another tease from Hwbot itself :
September 7th : Anpther tease, this time with the badges for each division and competitions.
Update September 14th :
Update September 16th : A preview of the ranking… and a magical T-15 suggesting we are getting closer and closer from the official launch.
So what does this revision 6 inspires you? Are you ready to try something new, or do you feel like stayin in the good old days? Shoot!
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