I just got the information from Trouffman that there will be an overclocking demo this weekend in Montreal at the ETS LAN Party! Here are the infos!
- Date: March 16th, 17th and 18th, 2012
- Location: Pavilion A, École de technologie supérieure, Montréal
- Number of participants: 850
- Total cash prize of the LAN: $15 000
- Overclocking demo: Corsair
What is the ETS LAN?
The Lan ETS is a student club from the École de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal organizing the biggest Lan Party of North America’s east coast. Each year more than 750 gamers compete in several tournaments for their chance to win over 15 000$ in prizes.
Source: 2012.lanets.ca

Overclocking demo with Corsair at the ETS LAN 2012
The overclocking demo at the ETS LAN party will be sponsored this year by Corsair. On the menu there is of course extreme overclocking under ln2 featuring corsair latests products. For the rest of the bench rigs, there isn’t too much info available yet, but there will be for sure some nice stuff and also some explanation and discussion possibilities between the ground and the benchers :)
So for all those around Montreal this weekend, check it out! :)
NB : We will also try to have a live broadcast running during the week end.
Update 1 : We’ve got some more details about the hardware that will be used, an ASUS Crosshair V Formula with a FX-8150, Dominator GTX6, AX1200 and some Force GT SSDs. Jake will be using Kingpin CPU and Memory pots.
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