It’s here guys! Today we are happy to release two new videos to complete our MSI MOA 2013 Coverage. After announcing a week ago the results of both the MOA 2013 Classic battle and Freestyle…
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MSI MOA 2013 – Competition libre
La MOA 2013 a ete gagne hier par T0lsty. Cependant ce n’est pas fini! Cette année MSI a rajouté un deuxième jour pour du “freestyle”. Les clockers vont devoir battre des records du monde entre 10 différents benchmarks.
MSI MOA 2013 – Freestyle competition
Second day of the MOA 2013 and it’s time for the freestyle competition. The 16 overclockers have to break World Record on 10 benchmark choose by MSI.
MSI MOA 2013 – Entrevistas Top 3
Luego de un día de competencia bsatante intensa, tuvimos una pequeña entrevista con el Top 3 de esta competencia. Si deseas conocer los resutlados completos de la competencia, sigue el link en MSI MOA 2013-Los…
MSI MOA 2013 – Los Resultados
La batalla ha terminado y el ganador del MOA 2013 es….T0slty, luego de menos de dos semanas despues de haber ganado el AOOC con su compañero de equipo cyclone, el regresea a casa con 3000…
MSI MOA 2013 – Interview du top 3
Après un jour intense de competition, on a interviewé le top3 pour recueillir leurs réactions a chaud. SI vous voulez plus d’infos à propos des résultats, lisez notre article MSI MOA 2013 – les résultats.
MSI MOA 2013 – Top3 Interviews
After a full day of competition pretty intense, we asked to the top3 an interview. If you want to know the full results of the competition, check MSI MOA 2013 – The results.
MSI MOA 2013 – Les résultats
Le premier jour de competition est maintenant terminé. Le master Overclocking Arena 2013 a été intensif et les overclockera on donne le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Jettons un oeil au classement detaille.
MSI MOA 2013 – The results
The battle is over and the 2013 MSI MOA Champion is… T0lsty, less than two weeks after winning the AOOC with his teammate cyclone, he is going home with 3000USD and the Master Overclocking Arena Champion title.
MSI MOA 2013 – Is getting closer!
MSI Master Overclocking Arena 2013 is schedule for tomorrow. OCTV team arrived few days before to follow the preparation of the competition: pre-meeting, setup of the venue, overclockers arrival…