Here at the campus party europe in Berlin there is not only conferences and lectures that are hold. Indeed, campuseros (the people attending the campus party) are able to attend workshops within different technological Areas. Among them we find robotic, programming (on specific languages) and also overclocking.
The overclocking workshops
The overclocking workshops here at the campus party are organized and conducted by the Overclocker team that is here on the stage. The overclocking crew leads users through this week starting from the very roots of overclocking up to extreme overclocking.
The three workshops of the week were divided like this.
- First workshop: introduction to the overclocking basics and to the different benchmarks
- Second workshop: introduction to overclocking in BIOS and from windows. hands in superPI and small overclocking competition
- Third workshop: extreme overclocking with ln2, safety and insulation technique.
First workshop
The first workshop took place on Tuesday 22. This was the day we arrived at the campus party and because the workshop only instructed on theoretical basics of overclocking we went shopping instead. But don’t worry, you didn’t missed anything.
Second workshop
For this workshop, the overclocking crew introduced the audience to several things:
How to overclock the CPU from the BIOS
How to overclock from windows through the ASUS tool of the ROG series.
What is extreme overclocking?
Hands on CPUZ and SuperPI
And finally the audience could participate on a turn by turn basis to a small OC competition using SuperPI 1M
Here are a few pictures and a quick recap video from The workshop:
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Third workshop
The third workshop brought today the novice overclockers from the audience to the next level. The use of extreme cooling solutions with safety instructions, isolation and benching under cold.
This workshop is probably the most interesting one for the campuseros that got attracted by the smoke and the impressiveness of ln2 benching.
Better than a long story, here are the pics and a recap video of this last overclocking workshop at the campus party 2012.
[nggallery id=327]
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