It is now about a week that the Americas qualifiers of the MOA 2012 are over and it is already time for the Overclocker community to focus on the next competition stage: Europe and Middle East (EMEA).
MSI MOA 2012 EMEA qualifiers
As for the Americas qualifiers, MSI is again holding no live competition and continues with their choice of running it online through the HWBOT competition engine. The MOA EMEA qualifiers are going to run for about a month from May 18th to June 14th.
Again, to keep the competition as similar as possible wit the one hold for America, MSI is using very similar rules and hardware limitations (besides a few changes that are still going to make some difference), and on June 7th there will be an elimination round to only keep the top 15 overclockers.
Let’s have a closer look!
MSI MOA 2012 – Differences with America
The Major difference between these Europe qualifications and the Americas one is that the latest launched Intel IvyBridge CPUs are this time authorized. This rule difference makes these qualifiers special for two reasons. First, the MOA 2012 Europe is becoming the fist international competition held using IvyBridge processors. Of course there is the HWBOT competition and there was some other events already, but this is really different as MOA is initiated by a hardware vendor and hits all Europe. Second, it is going to be a huge moment for the overclocking community as all overclockers will observe throughout the competition how good the IvyBridge CPUs are capable to keep a competition alive or if they are just another nice but boring CPU to bench/bind.

Anyway, we still can expect some tense competition over Europe as this time 5 teams (indepently from the countries) will be flying to Taiwan (not 3 like in Americas).
We can also expect to see some tough fights within each countries, and see between same nationality teams the competition spirit take over.
MSI MOA 2012 EMEA – How to participate
Same as for the MOA Americas, you are going to need an account on the BOT and join the MSI MOA2012 EMEA Qualification page on Hwbot.
MSI will be rewarding the top 5 overclockers of this EMEA qualification rounds with tickets to the MSI MOA Worldwide finals in Q3 2012. Find below the table of the different rewards that will be given away :
MSI MOA 2012 – Benchmark Calculation
Same as for the Americas qualifiers, there will be for Europe also the same three benchmarks that are SuperPi32M, 3DM11(P) and 3DM03. Here is how the scores will be attributed for each rank (from top to bottom) :
- 3D Mark 11: 60 – 43,2 – 38,4 – 36 – 33,6 – 31,2 – 28,8 – 26,4 – 24 – 21,6 – 19,2 – 16,8 – 14,4 – 12 – 9,6 – 7,2 – 4,8 – 2,4 – 0 – 0 – …
- 3D Mark 03: 25 – 18 – 16 – 15 – 14 – 13 – 12 – 11 – 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 0 – 0 – …
- SuperPI 32M: 15 – 10,8 – 9,6 – 9 – 8,4 – 7,8 – 7,2 – 6,6 – 6 – 5,4 – 4,8 – 4,2 – 3,6 – 3 – 2,4 – 1,8 – 1,2 – 0,6 – 0 – 0 – …
MSI MOA 2012 EMEA – Competition rules
Besides the changes regarding the CPU limitations, the rules are pretty much similar as the ones used for the Americas qualifiers. Please read these through carefully!
- Only use motherboard manufacturered by MSI.
- Only make submission with a MSI videocard.
- Use 1 videocard core(s) in total.
- Use 1 processor(s).
- Only members of EMEA may participate.
- employee (either full-time or part-time) of any motherboard manufacturers is not eligible for the contest.
- participance is according to the participant’s nationality. Ex: a citizen of Canada can only participate at the America Region Qualifier.
- Please attach a picture of your overclocking rig.
- A verification screenshot is required.
- A verification link is required (systeminfo must be available!)
- Must use official competition background: click
- Not allowed: engineering samples, Lucid Virtu MVP, hardware that is not commercially available at the beginning of the competition
- Screenshot must contain: CPU-Z CPU tab, CPU-Z mainboard tab, CPU-Z memory tab, GPU-Z (if 3D benchmark), benchmark (subtest) score(s) and settings, official MOA background
- The following system components may not be shared between individual MOA participants: CPU, memory or graphics card.
And notice:
HWBOT and MSI reserve the right to reject any submission with no prior warning. HWBOT and MSI will not go in discussion regarding the final ranking of the competition. Any decision by the competition organiser is final. HWBOT and MSI reserve the right to request full explanation on how a benchmark score was obtained. If the participant refuses to provide full explanation or the explanation does not prove to be sufficient, HWBOT and MSI reserve the right to reject the score.
MSI MOA 2012 – Europe, ready, GO!
We wish the best luck to all the overclockers that will participate in this prestigious competition hold by MSI. May the best Overclocker win and play fair and by the rules!
And don’t forget: There will be an elimination on the 7th of June (anti-sandbagger). Don’t forget to submit at least one score within the top15 before if you don’t want to be eliminated!
Enjoy and good luck!
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