This Wednesday at 7:30PM (GMT -3), the Brazilian Overclockers RBUASS and Gnidaol, will let more Brazilians know what really it is to Overclock.
This time the show is going to happen during a University Computer Engineering Conference (Conf.COM). It will be the last lecture of the day and at the official website it is named as “the Formula 1 of the computers”.

The Conference
The conference is hosted by the Computer Engineering department at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC). It’s its first edition and it starts really well by having a overlocking lecture part of the show.
The participants will be able to watch and learn most of the art of extreme overclocking. They will be introduced to overclocking and should through this course get a better understanding of it including side-areas as: hardmoding, insulation and tweaking.
The lecture will start at 7:30 PM (GMT -3) and it is scheduled to end at 10:20 PM (GMT -3). The university is located at the Center area of Brazil, so people that usually can not travel to watch Overclocking sessions at live events will have this great opportunity to attend the lecture and meet great Overclockers. And who knows, maybe we will find some new overclockers out there too!
For more information, visit the conference official website (in Portuguese):
Keep pushing it!
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