During the HWBOT World Tour 2015 European stop, Roman Hartung (aka. der8auer) brought two special items with him. The new BEAST LN2 pot he just launched but also another, so far kept-secret, product the Kryonaut…
Tagged By der8auer

The OC Show #5: EOC, MOA Round-up, ASUS AOOC & Future Gatherings
In the last issue of the Overclocker (Issue 31), we’ve released the fifth episode of “The OC Show”. The OC Show is a bi-monthly talk-show that explores the did and happenings of the OC community…

Gigabyte EOC 2014 – Live replay
We produced last friday the stream for Germany’s largest OC Competition – the EOC 2014. This is the live replay.

Livestream – Gigabyte EOC 2014 in Germany
Der8auer and Gigabyte are organizing a OC competition in Germany this Friday. OCTV will be there for hosting the livestream. Tune-in at 10am on twitch.tv/overclockingtv

Overclocking Week-End at LANETS with der8auer
The first week-end of March is a gaming week-end in Montreal, with the LANETS 2014 this was true once again. With more than 1K gamers, this even is the biggest lanparty in Canada and for…

Der8auer ECC released a new Memory Pot for DryIce and ln2
Famous overclocker Roman Der8auer Hartung is not only overclocking or judge at worldwide competitions, he is also an entrepreneur developing and manufacturing Extreme Cooling Components needed for our hobby. 8ECC (The brand for his extreme cooling…

Der8auer, SF3D, K|ngp|n : Ln2 container market at a glance
Last week, or the past few weeks to be exact, there was a lot of news going on around the ln2 containers, we are summing all that for you guys to not miss drop… of…

Roman Hartung from PC Games Hardware, Germany
After a christmas break, we are back with more interviews from overclockers around the world. This week Roman Hartung is our guest! :D we know him under nickname “der8auer” at Hwbot.org. My name is Roman Hartung…