The HyperX OC Takeover is the first overclocking competition of 2015 and it sports 10 overclockers competition for a total cash prizes of 15 000 $US. The qualification process was run through HWBOT and 11 overclockers qualified,…

The HyperX OC Takeover is the first overclocking competition of 2015 and it sports 10 overclockers competition for a total cash prizes of 15 000 $US. The qualification process was run through HWBOT and 11 overclockers qualified,…
The HyperX OC Takeover series at Computex is now over. During the whole days 10 teams of clockers try to get the best scores on 3 different benchmarks. Many overclockers got some trouble at the beginning and quite a lot of teams could not submit some of the benchmarks.
Earlier this year, Kingston ran it’s first HOT (HyperX OC Takeover) event in Vegas. Confident from the success of this event, the guys at Kingston decided to push the experience further and kick-start a series of event. This series of OC competitions will be running worldwide with several milestone live events along the way in various places.
GIGABYTE just unveiled a very special Overclocking board, the Z97X-SOC FORCE LN2, and the board already break the memory frequency word record. This mainboard is based on the Z97X-SOC FORCE, featuring the overclockers famous features…
Yes we love workshops, yes we love overclocking, so yes … we love overclocking workshops! This weekend again, gigabyte is back in Australia for some overclocking action in what they call the “Gigabyte Extreme Overclocking Workshops” ….
After a sponsored workshop event with Gigabyte and our friend from last weekend at Cambridge university, UK, Gigabyte was again this week involved in some overclocking tuition activities. This time the location was a Secondary school in Cordoba, Spain.
Bienvenidos de nuevo a las noticias del mundo del overclock y sus mercados relacionados. Hace unos días, el mundo del overclock conoció un nuevo récord mundial en RAM: DDR3 @ 3600MHz!!!, algo verdaderamente sorprendente si tenemos en…
After the interviews with the Top 5 Overclocker Teams, it’s now time to give the talk to the MOA 2010 WW Final sponsors. First up, Western Digital : Intel : Nvidia : Après les interviews…
INTRODUCTION Dans cet article, nous allons comparer très brièvement deux kits ram DDR3-2000 ( PC16000 ). Deux marques très différentes en Europe. Une très connue qui est Kingston et l’autre un peu moins qui est…
Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous proposer un petit comparatif entre ces deux modèles de SSD. Pas tout à fait dans la même gamme de prix ( +-100€ pour l’Intel et +- 200€ pour le Kingston ),…