We might have been less active on our own channel, but don’t be fooled, as we are more than active behind the scene helping out others in this world of performances seekers. After an appearance…
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Intel libera a la bestia: Resultados.
El concurso de Intel realizado en Computex (conocido como Intel Unleash The Beast) ha terminado. Toda la mañana fue tan intensa en tantos niveles, que aún sentimos el pulso de los últimos segundos de dicha…
Intel Unleash the Beast – Results
The Intel OC Challenge at computex (aka. Unleash the Beast contest) is now over. The whole afternoon of overclocking has been intense on so many levels that we are still feeling the pulse of that…
Intel® Overclocking Challenge 2014 – Computex 2014
Pour le Computex 2014, Intel a prévu gros. Tout d’abord, les nouveaux produits, il y a la nouvelle version du Haswell ainsi que la nouvelle série 9 des chipsets. En seconde partie, Intel organise une…
Unleash The Beast – Intel® Overclocking Challenge 2014
Along with the new products launch, Haswell refresh and 9-series chipset Intel is going full in with an overclocking Competition : Intel® OC Challenge 2014. The event will take place on June 3rd from 5PM to…
Intel trying to go viral again on new ultrabook video in Jimmy Kimmel Show
Usually I just go over Youtube to look for music videos or some snap of TV shows, but almost never use the `homepage` suggestion where you have the last video posted by people you follow……
VIDEO : Hwbot talks with Intel on Haswell, Overclocking and XTU
Hwbot, the world reference website in terms of overclocking results and ranking, got a chance to interview Michael Moen from Intel Performance Group. Pieter Massman Plaisier took the mic for the interview focussing on overclocking and…
Computex OC Main Event by CORSAIR & Intel – The videos
The Computex OC Main Event organised by CORSAIR and INTEL was on June 3rd, at Marquee Taipei, right across the street of Taipei 101. This event was in two parts, first was the Top Speed…
Intel lanza SSDs 335 Series: NAND Flash a 20nm, un paso obligado para reducir costos
La semana pasada, en Japón, fueron capturados por la lente la nueva línea de unidades de estado sólido Intel 335 Series, pero ahora ya son oficiales. Éstos SSDs se les puede llamar como una versión…
La batalla no será por precios sino por bundle; Chipset Intel Z88, lo nuevo para entusiastas contra AMD Trinity
La baja demanda en el mercado de PCs no provoco que Intel pospusiera sus planes para iniciar la producción de procesadores Intel Haswell a 22nm para finales de este año y aunque Intel sigue dominando como…