Galaxy hold this weekend the GOC 2013 in Shanghai. We’ve been there to cover the event and if there is one thing to highlight is that here in China, Galaxy is big. So for their biggest market, Galaxy went all in on the venue, combining in the same event both Gaming and Overclocking.
Two days of Overclocking in Shanghai
The first competition day was probably the most intense day. The difficulty came from the following two elements. First only four hours were allocated to bench. This meant that Overclockers had to be fast with less than an hour on average per benchmark. Second, the hardware. With the 780 Ti card not ready for extreme overclocking, Galaxy switched to the 780 HOF card with a special extreme overclocking BIOS prepared for the occasion. Sadly it seems that this BIOS and the memory on the cards has been at the origin of many troubles for most teams.
On the second day things were completely different. Everyone could enjoy the benchmark (and beers) they liked on the 760 HOF card. This card over the 780 offers more mature overclocking capabilities. Even though the principle was to bench for charity, most guys did their best and confirmed that no one came here for the money but just out of passion.
The Results
Team 4 of Hazzan and Hero won this years Galaxy GOC 2013 competition. Second, team 9 of lucky_n00b and littleboy and finally third team 7 with Zolkorn and oc-windforce.

For the second day, several (nearly all – besides one) of the lined-up benchmark records established got broken. Vantage Ex, Ice Storm (both) and 3DM11 Ex were probably among the most popular choices among Overclockers.

The End
This is it for 2013 It is now time for us to leave and go back home.
Thanks Galaxy for pulling of such event and inviting us over in Shanghai. As a first international event for the brand there is for sure a lot of room for improvements and adjustments to keep pushing it the right way. (online qualifiers, more extensive testing on the competition hardware or even a better internet coverage). But we do have to remember We are looking forward to the implementation these changes for next year’s event!
The live Audio commentary
Despite issues with the live broadcast due to poor internet connection at the event location, Trouffman (OverClocking-TV) & Dennis (HardwareAsylum) made a live commentary on both Youtube and about the event.
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