Since the early beginning of the MOA competitions, MSI put a lot of efforts into chossing the right venue for each of their events. Having the good venue is part of the success elements of the whole event. If the venue doesnt has internet, good power supply from the grid or bad insulation (yes in Taiwan this is important) and good AC, then it could ruin the whole event.
Master Overclocking Arena 2012 Venue
For this year again, MSI decided to host the MOA competition in the sane venue as for the past two years: the NTU sport center.
The NTU sport center is a big hall that as its name tells, is the sport hall of the National Taiwan University (NTU). The advantage of such location is the easy access to Internet, it’s pretty much central location in Downtown Taipei (a little south of the main station and of course a good power supply capability as it is build to host large events.

There is not much else to say about this. We hope to be able to show you soon the layout of the contest ground that MSI will has chosen. But while waiting for some more “real” stuff, have a look at the venu pictures from the last Editions!
MOA 2011 – Campaign for domination begins
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MOA 2010 – May the XPower be with you
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See you soon for more news on the MOA…
Kepp pushing it!
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