With some friends, we are hosting a panel for PC lovers at PAX WEST on September 2nd, 2018 – 8 PM in the CAT Theatre. The panel is free and open to everyone attending PAX WEST and I do recommend…
Posts By M. de Léséleuc
Relive the Performance Matters – Multicore Madness Moscow
The crew is back from Moscow after an intense night at the Performance Matters event, just quick enough to drop you the replays of the Multicore Madness Moscow with Wizerty, Benchbros and Smoke. What a…
GOC 2014 : The results
During the Galax Esports Carnival, the 2nd GOC overclocking competition was held, bringing together 12 competitors. The event, organized in the city of Wuhan in China, took place Guanggu Stadium in the heart of Huazhong…
Asus AOOC 2014 – Les résultats
Depuis Moscou, en Russie, la première partie de la troisième édition du AOOC (Asus Open Overclocking Competition) touche à sa fin. Les overclockers sont arrivés dès 10h ce matin dans le Moscow Cyber Stadium et après…
Asus AOOC 2014 – The Results
The first part of the third edition of the AOOC (Asus Open Overclocking Competition) is finally over. Overclockers arrived at 10am this morning in Moscow Cyber Stadium and after 7 hours of hard competition, the eight…
MSI MOA 2014 – Les résultats No Limits
La première manche du MOA 2014 organisé par MSI a été remportée hier par Vivi, empochant 3 000 dollars au passage. Aujourd’hui, nos 18 overclocker venus du monde entier se sont opposés dans pas moins de…
MSI MOA 2014 – No Limits Results
The first round of the MSI MOA 2014 was won yesterday by Vivi, earning 3,000 dollars in the process. Today, our 18 overclock from around the world fighted in 15 different benchmarks divided into three…
MSI MOA 2014 – The results
After eight hours of fierce competition, the first part of the Master Overclocking Arena 2014 ends. The Classic Battle, which pitted 18 competitors through three different benchmarks – SuperPI, CineBench and 3DMark – has strained…
MSI MOA 2014 – Les résultats
Après huit heures de compétition acharnée, la première partie du Master Overclocking Arena 2014 s’achève. Le Classic Battle, qui a opposé les 18 concurrents à travers trois benchmarks différents – SuperPI, CineBench et 3DMark – a…
MSI MOA 2014: worldwide finals
After several weeks of preparation, we are finally here : the 2014 MOA (Master Overclocking Arena) is about to begin. Just like the past six years, the grand finale of this global competition is held…